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FPG HERBICIDE Blue-Gem Dye Spray Indicator

FPG HERBICIDE Blue-Gem Dye Spray Indicator

Regular price £20.40 + VAT (£24.48)
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Blue-gem ® is a food grade blue dye that is mixed in the spray tank with herbicides and pesticides to help improve accuracy. An integral part of spraying, Blue-gem will identify the sprayed area by temporarily dying the area. The treated area stays blue for a few days after application (how long it remains will depend on the surface) and then fades with sunlight or washes away with rain.

Using a spray indicator, such as Blue-gem, will in turn save you money and time as you are not missing any areas or overdosing any areas by spraying more than once. It can be used in a knapsack or boom sprayer and is compatible with herbicides, fungicides, insecticides, moss killers and liquid fertilisers.

To use; half fill the spray tank with clean water, agitate the water and add the required amount of blue-gem. Then add the pesticide or other treatment(s) and then fill the tank with water to the desired level and commence spraying.


  • Safe for mixing with liquid herbicides and pesticides.
  • The dye is temporary- washes away with rain and faded by sunlight.
  • Saves money as overdosing is reduced.
  • Saves time as areas are less likely to be missed.
  • Non-toxic.


  • Period Of Use: All Year Round
  • Pack Size: 1 Litre
  • Active Ingredient: Food Grade Dye
  • Application Method: Knapsack, Boom Sprayer
  • Knapsack Sprayer Rate: 12.5-30ml per 10L of water, up to 50ml depending on surface
  • Area of Use: Hard Surfaces, Paddock, Pasture, Lawns, Sports Turf, Trees, Ornamentals, Amenity Turf, Artificial Surfaces
  • Boom Sprayer Rate: 1-2 L per Hectare
  • Pack Size Coverage: 1 Hectares or 10,000m²
  • Safe For Use On: Grass, Lawns, Paddocks, Pasture, Sports Turf, New Grass, Near Water, Around Fruit Trees, Conifer Safe, Around Shrubs, Around Trees
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